The cyber crime related to the posting/uploading of copyrighted or personal information/image/video(s) related to a person or organization without proper authorization or permission is the violation of copyright and infringement of fundamental right provided by the constitution to that particular state to which that person or organization belongs to.
The infringement related to unauthorized postage of copyrighted images and videos, which are performed and played by original copyright holders, are so common now-a- days. Due to such illegal activity both producer and performers are facing loss of business and confusion among loyal viewers and customers relating to the genuine source of the image and video.
As per our client’s request we have gone through the case and found a copyright infringement. The infringing website and its host are abided by the rules of DMCA i.e. Digital Millennium Copyright Act. For the removal of the infringing content, which is belongs to our client we have taken proper regulatory steps and finally taken down and remove the infringing content from the infringing website.
At Lex Protector International Law office, we provide fast relief and adequate IP enforcement to our clients with proper legal framework and due diligence. Here at Lex Protector International Law office our legal team is always eager to help and protect the intellectual right and deliver proper remedies to safeguard the rights of our clients.
Pre Removal Screenshot
POST Removal Screenshot