Cyber defamation is an act of publishing of defamatory and abusive statements, facts and controversial materials against another individual with the help of computers, internet or web based services. The damage caused to that individual due to such unauthorized distribution is a defamatory explanation about him on a website site, as those data are accessible to the whole world.
As per the information from our client we have legitimately inspected the issue and found some defamatory contents related to her identity, profession and contacts which violates the right to privacy and infringes the provisions of criminal defamation. After proper investigation we have collected appropriate evidences related to such defamation, relating to our client.
By following proper legal framework we have drafted a cease and desist notice and send it to the infringer and demand him to take down and remove the infringing contents. As a result of the cease and desist notice the infringer has taken down and thereby we restore the legal right of our client.
Pre Removal Screenshot
Post Removal Screenshot
Here at LexDMCA Law Office, we grasp the honest to goodness estimation of the legitimate right and provide suitable safeguard to our clients relating to their rights and liberty. Finally, we are cheerful to give lawful help to our customers at any phase of infringement and guaranteed to reestablish their privilege with 100% fulfillment.