Many of the restaurants have acquired a reputation for serving a fresh product, with an emphasis on quality. There are many restaurants who are using the photos in order to get a better business response. Hence which causes copyright infringement over those pictures as the photos belongs to them exclusively. This is another way to deceive the customer by showing that the two different restaurants come under the same owner. Copyright infringement is quite common in this type of case as it is known that customer will get attracted towards the food by photos itself.
Due to the success of a business, the infringers try to free ride over the images of the business by using counterfeit photos in this case. The Canadian website’s images were copied by another Canadian website in order to create customer attraction and revenue generation which results in copyright infringement.
Here the DMCA Act comes into action. DMCA Act i.e. the Digital Millennium Copyright Act has come into force to prevent copyright infringement over the internet. Almost all the web portals comply and act accordingly with this Act. As per DMCA, if a proper DMCA notice is sent to the web portal adhering all the legal compliances, then the web portals are obligated to remove the infringing material.
Lex Protector International Law Office is always working to help the clients whose rights are being infringed in any form. We have successfully removed the copyright infringement materials for our client whose copyrighted images were copied. Lex Protector’s DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice Service helps their client in every way possible to give the best result.
Our professional DMCA team has disabled the user who had copied images of our client’s copyrighted images without any authority for their business purpose, by sending them DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice. And within the minimal time period, we could able to disable the infringer from using those copied images from their website.
Sending a DMCA notice is not an easy task. If the notice is not proper or valid, then the web portal would not pay any attention to the complaint. Moreover, if a meritless claim is submitted, there may arise a situation where the complainant has to face legal consequence. Therefore, seeking professional assistance for removal of copyright infringement or any other infringing material is always suggested.